Anger Management

Anger Management

in Lexington, Richmond & Frankfort KY

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What is Anger Management?

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage. Anger is accompanied by physiological and biological changes, including increases in heart rate, blood pressure, energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. 

Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you are becoming angry and to take the appropriate actions to calm down and deal with the situation. While it is impossible to completely avoid situations, things or people that anger you, you can learn to manage your reactions. 

Signs & Symptoms 

People who suffer from anger management issues typically have a low tolerance for frustration, and get angry more easily and more intensely than the average person. 

Signs that you may suffer from anger management issues include:
  • Experiencing a regular feeling that you have to hold in your anger.
  • Constantly feeling cynical, irritated, impatient, critical or hostile. 
  • Experiencing frequent, escalating arguments with your partner, children, or co-workers. 
  • Resorting to physical violence or physical threats of violence against people or property.
  • Engaging in out-of control or frightening behavior, such as breaking things or driving recklessly.
  • Experiencing anxiety or depression about anger 

Diagnosis & Treatment Options

Here are some useful tips to help tame your temper:

  1. Think before you speak. When angry, your thinking can be very exaggerated and overly dramatic. Before speaking, take a moment to collect your thoughts and replace them with more rational ideas. Remind yourself that getting angry is not going to fix anything or make you feel any better.
  2. Express your anger and frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. Again, think about what you want to say before you say it, and listen carefully to what the other person is saying, as well. Avoid criticizing or placing blame on others in the situation.
  3. If your immediate surroundings are causing anger and frustration, take a timeout and remove yourself from the environment. Give yourself short breaks during stressful periods to allow yourself to be better prepared to handle the situation. Physical exercise can also help reduce stress and relieve tension. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or spend some time doing enjoyable physical activities. 
  4. Instead of focusing on what makes you mad, try to identify possible solutions and resolve the issues at hand. Approach the problem with your best effort and make a serious attempt to face it head-on, even if the problem does not get solved right away. 
  5. Use humor to release tension and defuse the situation. Humor makes you realize that you are being unreasonable and how unimportant the things you are angry about really are. Be careful to avoid laughing off your problems and resorting to sarcastic humor!
  6. Practice relaxation skills to calm down angry feelings. Common relaxation techniques include breathing deeply from your diaphragm, slowly repeating a calm word or phrase, imagining a relaxing scene or participating in non-strenuous yoga exercises to relax your muscles. 
  7. Know when to seek help. Controlling anger is a challenge for everyone. Consider seeking help when your anger seems out of control, when it causes you to regret your actions or when it hurts those around you.

There Is Hope! 

Anger management counseling focuses on learning specific skills and ways of thinking to help you cope with your anger. Improving your ability to manage anger has several benefits, which allow you to have more control when facing life’s challenges. If you feel that your anger is out of control or if it is having an impact on your relationships and other parts of your life, please consider scheduling an appointment to meet with our team to learn valuable techniques for managing your anger today. 

Don’t hesitate to contact our office or visit these websites for more information about anger management.

New Client Info
Lexington, KY

Darby Creek Location
501 Darby Creek Road
Suite 11
Lexington KY, 40509
Phone: 859-338-0466
Fax: 859-294-0802

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